Wednesday, March 5, 2014

An Author's Horror Story

So I decided to experiment. Using all the trusty writer's resources I could dig up, and concentrating in the genre of my scribbles. I contacted more than 86 literary agents. Some didn't respond, a few were not currently looking at the specific genre I submitted, and a couple found my work compelling and provided positive feedback. Then there were the other agents. The ones that told me a first novel at sixty years of age would not net a contract with anyone. For them to invest there time and money, there had to be greater longevity. There were those agents who questioned how I might manage the circuit of conferences in the lower forty-eight states, to be a viable asset. Well, I'm Alaskan. And I'm sixty. And I have authored "Due Process," and "Lawless Measures." I will continue to write because that is what I do, regardless of New York agents opinions. I don't write for them, I write for people who want to read crime novels.